“this blessing is performed with generous libations of gin, the crack cocaine of Victorian London, often the only comfort of these women”.
Tuppy Owens and Jahnet DeLite often participate.
Was it because “as a man, your word is worth twice that of a woman and you would be listened to?”
“The Goose responds very well to a male energy. Even though I am a man, I have, in my younger days, when I thought I might be homosexual, worked in a brothel. The Goose is not into separatism. When I was 17, after an LSD trip, the Goddess was manifested in me. I underwent transformation.”
“Who is that lady next to you?”
Non-plussed hearing a young-looking 14 year old described as a lady, I told him that she was my daughter.
“She has a particular presence. Oh definitely. I noticed her from the other side of the room” he started to wax lyrical.
I snapped impatiently “that’s because old men are always interested in the beauty of young girls. If she was fat and ugly you wouldn’t think she had ‘presence’.
He looked taken aback, his face reddened.
“Shocking isn’t it? To hear the truth!” I continued
“You have no manners you, you …” he searched for words and then triumphantly… “Jade Goody type!”
“How very snobbish” I retorted.
He retreated to the other side of the room. Interesting that he invoked Jade(1) Goody for she is a denizen of Southwark, and, like prostitutes of yore, a disturbing force, a reminder of more vulgar feminine energies.
“Jaded,” comes from an Old Norse word, “jalda,” meaning “mare.” Imported into English as “jade” in the 14th century, the word originally meant just “mare,” but then came to mean “old, broken-down mare.” As a metaphor, “jade” then was used to mean “worthless person,” or, more specifically, “prostitute.” This noun form of “jade” is now obsolete, but the sense lives on in our word “jaded,” applied to someone who has, as they say, been there, seen that, and done it all.”
I never fail to be horrified by your tales of blantant paedophilic perviness amongst seemingly ordinary males.
That was the turning point with my ex – when I realised that despite having a 13 year old daughter himself he couldn't help looking up the skirts of 17 year olds. Eurgh, it's disgusting. But why, I ask myself? I'm not completely sure.. but all under 21s should be kept locked safely in their bedrooms I say.
so… c.e. what were you doing when
you were 17 ? or 16 even.
I understand the desire to behold beauty but I resent the need to dress it up as something cosmic, divine or magical. That is all in their heads, mate.
Stop projecting onto young beautiful princesses and develop a healthy interest in older wiser ones?
perhaps all men over 21 could be kept under lock and key
or burkas for everyone
or what i meant to say was
I agree with marmite lover,
Castrate 'em all I say!
No, only kidding. Do we really want a world full of high pitched voiced men with weight problems?
Thing is male dangly bits are so much fun!