Just back from another fascinating evening at the Astrological Lodge, London. A talk about Hellenic astrology by a 23 year old American astrological prodigy for the first half. I mentioned to him that I am studying Horary astrology, he declared it “the gateway drug for traditional astrology”. Tertiary progressions explained after half-time tea n’ biscuits.
Next week, we will be looking at, on the eve of the U.S. elections, the progressed charts of John McCain and Barack Obama. This has been a hard election to call for astrologers, because all of the parties involved have been reluctant to release accurate birth data. Obama’s birth certificate was only obtained a couple of months ago and McCain’s just last week.
In the pub afterwards, contrary to the optimistic predictions of the media and most of my friends, my elegant astrologer pal Bethea and I call the election for McCain. I do not think Obama’s race is the real problem. If Colin Powell were running, he’d walk it.
In the pub afterwards, contrary to the optimistic predictions of the media and most of my friends, my elegant astrologer pal Bethea and I call the election for McCain. I do not think Obama’s race is the real problem. If Colin Powell were running, he’d walk it.
But it occurred to me that Oscar-winning black actress/singer Jennifer Hudson’s tragedy, as sad news emerged that her missing nephew is likely dead, alongside the brutal murders of her mother and brother, will not help Obama’s cause, reinforcing stereotypes about black people even when they are affluent and successful. I’m sticking my neck out and saying McCain will win.
Bethea noted, during this credit crunch, that it is now ‘Thatcherism’s ‘ Saturn return, 28 years on. Hard lessons to be learnt. Milton Friedman’s economic lunacy reassessed.
There is debate as to whether Thatcher will get a state funeral (see link), the first civilian since Winston Churchill. I remember watching his funeral on black and white TV. It seemed to last for days. I became obsessed with death for months after that, pestering my parents and anybody else who would listen with questions: “So are you going to die? Am I going to die? Are you sure?”. I found the whole concept extraordinary.
Christopher Hitchins-love this guy.
Bethea noted, during this credit crunch, that it is now ‘Thatcherism’s ‘ Saturn return, 28 years on. Hard lessons to be learnt. Milton Friedman’s economic lunacy reassessed.
There is debate as to whether Thatcher will get a state funeral (see link), the first civilian since Winston Churchill. I remember watching his funeral on black and white TV. It seemed to last for days. I became obsessed with death for months after that, pestering my parents and anybody else who would listen with questions: “So are you going to die? Am I going to die? Are you sure?”. I found the whole concept extraordinary.
McCain ? president ?
we are all gonna die !
Well I fucked up on this one. But it's one time I'm rather glad that my pessimism didn't win out, although I never thought McCain/Palin is as bad as Bush/Cheney.
McCain's speech on losing was very touching and he nailed it for me:
"But we both recognize that, though we have come a long way from the old injustices that once stained our nation's reputation and denied some Americans the full blessings of American citizenship, the memory of them still had the power to wound.
A century ago, President Theodore Roosevelt's invitation of Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House was taken as an outrage in many quarters.
America today is a world away from the cruel and frightful bigotry of that time. There is no better evidence of this than the election of an African-American to the presidency of the United States."