Neil Spencer, ex-editor of the New Musical Express and Observer astrology columnist, gave this year’s lecture at the Astrological Lodge about the year ahead.
Nobody’s going to be able to breath, the air quality is going to be a problem.
But actually the Olympics in China were a huge success. For Neptune can also symbolise idealism and fantasy.
- Jonathan Cainer on Jules Holland’s Hootenanny show: “Next year we will have our first female president”. Nul points for accuracy but un point for prediction.
- Mountain Astrologer magazine: Wrong on McCain, wrong on Obama. As for the presidency, some fluff about “only time can tell”. Nul points.
- Henry Weingarten, financial astrologer, predicted on September 8th, profit for the market, in the same week that Lehman brothers collapsed, and the market dived. Wrong!
- Bernard Eccles, for same period predicted optimism but did say ‘Don’t owe any money’. Un point for final remark, nul points for wrong prediction.
- In the Astrological Association journal, Roy Gillett got it right.
- Maggie Hyde, Company of astrologers, on the 15th March 2008, nailed it: ‘How to survive the financial mid-winter’.
“What Pluto does stays done.”
Someone pipes up: “And Chiron is wedged between Jupiter and Neptune”.
Neil then asks with a slight sneer: “What’s so great about the Age of Aquarius anyway?”
He continues: “Early and late degrees dominate. Anyone who has stuff at 22,24, 25, 26 degrees check it out”
“Stay clear of Leos” is Neil’s somewhat sweeping advice.
One person in the room shouts that “The Queen will abdicate in the next 4/5 months”.
Another person yells “She’ll go on and on. 2015 more like.”
Somebody else mentions: “Thailand has got Saturn at 1 degree Capricorn”.
Neil says: “Cardinal signs often has to clean up the mess left behind by the mutable signs”
This is an astrological joke. People titter.
Another shouts out: “The shipping market has plunged”.
Neil: “Does anybody see anything positive in this Jupiter/Neptune conjunction next year?”
I say:”Might get some good movies out of it?”
“Jupiter/Neptune is also adventure” states Neil, meaning it’s not all gloom and doom. “It could also be even crazier internet stuff.”
Ooh hello!
How are you?
Fine. We’ve got an eclipse on our mutual Sun’s next year.
So we have.
very helpful
I followed right along really
"stay clear of Leo's" that explains it!
Russell Brand tee he, snicker
Dear Ms ML,
Yet another brilliant post!
xcx (Yet another Aquarian)
no. it's illogical and unscientific. no.