“yes my daughter is becoming quite professional as a waitress now. It’s great, it’s like work experience every week…”
Little did I know…
“What we really liked was the service. It was comedic. Your daughter’s response when we asked if we should open our wine (for apparently she’d merely handed over the bottle and corkscrew) was… ‘Whatever’. When we asked where we should sit… ‘whatever’.
“Yes I asked for another bottle of wine. Then I went to the toilet. Your daughter handed over the bottle to me as I was entering the toilet. I suggested that she put it on the table.”
“I liked hearing your tiff in the kitchen. You telling her off and her rolling her eyes as soon as your back was turned”.
“Yeah well, you are just in the way. I mean shut up yeah. It’s none of your business. You aren’t helping.”
green drawers
Re: greaseproof paper – you need to get a silicon-coated paper specifically for catering, available from Macro / other such places. The eco-stuff is greaseproof, but not liquid proof, which is what you need. Hope this helps.
Salt caramel over pavlova sounds positively delish – chewy, salty, sweet mmmmmm……
Could it be that GothGirl knew what was coming in the post today, and therefore feeling a little under pressure?!
green drawers x
Charlie McVeigh
Good to see you at Sipsmiths…let's keep in touch re the various matters discussed. Love the post above, especially AGA plug warning.
Where do I book for October?
Green drawers: possibly? Or she's got a permanent case of 15 yearolditus
Charlie: yes deffo and thanks.
I'm guessing you'll be having your daughter as waitress again next time then??
You could make it a positive attraction… LOL
…And here's me saying how she sounds like she's got her head screwed on… you've got a future leader there somewhere….am liking the idea of an underground restaurant. Would have to convince my hubby tho'….
"Now it's some sort of 'eco' version; brown and ineffective." LOL! As with so much in life these days.
Sorry, I live in Brighton and the whole eco/hippy thing wears a bit thin sometimes. As for the new fleet of eco busses and their greasy chip fat stench going past me at a delicate time of each morning. Bleaugh.
Yeah, foodie, like having rubbish greaseproof paper is going to save the Amazon. Since when was the old greaseproof such a problem?
Priorities totally wrong in terms of Climate Change in my opinion. All the responsibility is dumped on the public when the real problem is industry.
There will be a backlash for all this guilt-tripping…
I ruined one of my mum's best pans making caramel. Well, it wasn't caramel – it was rock hard burnt stuff. She hasn't forgiven me I don't think.
LOL – I can imagine the teen goth service! Brilliant – as is the description of stuffing courgette flowers as gynaecological. Inspired 🙂 And OMG, if I never see that hideous light cast by an energy saving bulb it will be too soon…
Even 60p for one makes you laugh when they grow so easily, so quickly and so rampantly.
Nothing like a bit of drama in the kitchen – it's when you find out who people really are.
Yes James I found out that I must keep my cool. Smacking kid in front of 30 people probably not a good look. It would all be a little too 'home' restaurant then?