When my daughter was small, I looked for part-time work from home. I did loads of jobs, anything really, but the one that lasted the longest was doing astrological charts over the phone. I was taught astrology by my mother.
‘you can’t afford this. In fact I predict that if you continue to call me or others like me, you will end up broke’.
‘I’m sorry but under the rules I cannot do this chart‘ I said.
There was a small silence.
‘Actually it’s my dog.‘ Then, pleading, ‘please do his chart, I really want to know his future’
‘Strong Jupiter: very optimistic cheerful nature’ I said.
‘YESS!’ said his owner ‘always wagging his tail’
‘Date, time and place of birth?’
‘Don’t you know?‘ sneered the voice ‘call yourself a psychic?’‘No I don’t actually, I’m an astrologer. If you don’t give me this information then we might as well terminate this call‘ I’d snap back.
Interesting stuff!
Sarah, Maison Cupcake
Found this fascinating. Especially the fact that it's all been sped up by computers and the impact of that. Never knew all this would be behind it, and that you end up acting as a counsellor. Really tragic to think of people with no money spending so much on premium rate phonecalls. I had a brief phase doing feng shui consultations and that was quite similar. I gave it up for two reasons: did a consultation on a flat I adored but it broke all the so-called rules and I didn't want her to change a thing and secondly people kept coming to me with ghosts!!!
Ghosts? Tell me more…
Ben Emlyn-Jones
That was very insightful and interesting. I've never heard and Astrologer's Tale before (A good title for your autobiography perhaps!). I've never wondered what it was like to be someone who does readings etc on the phone. That was very poignant, ML. I should have guessed they'd be effected by emotional content of the work. I saw Helen Sewell live at a conference a few months ago and should have realized.
Does Mystic Meg not do her own charts?… no of course she doesn't! I would think of you whenever I read The Sun from now on… except I don't read the Sun!
Really like your work (commentary). I keep tinkering with the idea of "monetizing" my work, but I know that can cause problems. Never knew the "cut" on the phone lines was SO LOW! That is a powerful dis-incentive all by itself. –GT
Grand trines: Are you going to do your blog again? it was great.
Yes it's not an earner really. But it was a useful stop gap when I couldn't go 'out' to work.
I once went to see a psychic who said I had a Spirit guide called Mary who couldn't wait to see me on the 'Other side'!!! I'm 59, I can wait.
She was supposed to have been with me since birth, a rarity she (psychic) says.
Absolutely fascinating. When I was in my late teens and early twenties I learnt to cast horoscopes with the idea that I'd get laid more often ;¬) But gradually I became interested in the art for its own sake. I stopped after I cast the horoscope of a friend of my mother's with a Uranian transit. The conclusion was that her dearly loved husband would not stay with her. I couldn't say it and I didn't want to know such things – and very sadly it came true. Shit happens, but I really don't want to know about it in advance!