Yes folks it’s that time again: the Underground Farmers and Craft Market is back. This time it’s a twofer: we are opening on Friday night and Saturday afternoon around the bonfire weekend, 4th and 5th of November.
There will be bars, live music, hot food stalls, crafts, food to buy to take home. Saturday afternoon we will again have the foodie ‘dragon’s den’ in which start up entrepeneurs in the food world can show their products to an expert panel and get feedback.
The dates for booking are:
Friday night afterwork food rave: 4th November:
Saturday afternoon foods and crafts: 5th November includes the Dragon’s Den foodie talent show with Sheila Dillon and Jo of The Deli Station.
Entrance is £5. You must book in advance. If you have extra guests they can pay on the door £6, but they can only come with a ticket holder who has the address.
This is a farmer’s market held in a two bedroom flat and garden, a market held in a domestic house. It’s buzzy and exciting, unlike the dreary markets held in carparks and municipal spaces. There is plenty of talent to discover, from urban food producers to exquisite crafts and cooking demonstrations.
There will be a bonfire, a cocktail bar on the ironing board, plenty of urban producers and foragers. You can eat, drink, hangout and learn something too from the food demonstrations in the kitchen.
Stall list:
Talented blogger Gastrogeek/Reijina Sabur will be cooking up curry
Kimchi cult: big hit at the last market…amazing kimchi sliders…
ReinerReiner: Austrian specialities (cold pressed pumpkin oil…intense taste) and borscht (Friday only)
Marmelo: truly fantastic chutneys, pickles, ect. Check out her stuff.
Cultivate London are selling potted herbs (chocolate mint!) and winter vegetables grown in Isleworth.
Squisito deli: Warwickshire sausages, foccaccia bread, olives.
Elephant Juice Bar: fresh juices/smoothies
Wild Game Company: wild venison and small game
Eat My Pies: scotch eggs (Sat)
The Culinary Anthropologist : Anna does preserving classes, cooking classes and a supper club…don’t miss this one.
Jaz n Jul’s: chocolate mixes for hot chocolate.
Porridge Lady will be selling bags of oatmeal and giving away porridge freebies from Mornflake.
Paul A Young: sublime chocolates in bonfire flavours
Tunnel Brewery: microbrewery from Warwickshire, bottled beers (“I’ve got Trappist beers” “Are you a monk?” Er no, but they are Trappist style”) also beer on tap.
Alchemist Dreams: Ruth Balls handmade liqueurs
Niko B chocolates: caramel apples and Hackney hand rolled chocolates
Ubuntu chocolates…(Friday only)
Nadia Sparham bone china mugs and designs:
galavant jewellery teacups and other foodie items on necklaces and jewellery (Friday night)
Emma Mitchell Designs: exquisite silver tea cups ect and finger prints (Saturday only)
Ruby shoes Rocks: gorgeous original bunting (Saturday only)
Crochet items from CandyflossCreated (Saturday only)
I’ll be signing my book, selling mulled wine and salted caramel.
Please spread the word!
Mentions in Time Out and Metro this week!
I'm deeply excited about taking part in this 🙂
Hi, I was just wondering what time it will all finish? We'd need to leave at about 4.30pm – will we miss everything?
Hi there, I was just wondering what time this finishes? We'd need to leave at 4.30pm – will we miss everything?
depends which day you are talking about.
fri is 6pm till 10pm
sat is noon until about 5pm
Sometimes I wish I still lived in London…if I did I'd be able to visit your place more often…providing I had a well paid job! Just noticed you have another blog too about dining out- where do you find the time?!
Incidentally thought of you recently as since arriving in Bristol I've noticed there is a pop up restaurant round the corner. My housemate and I are thinking of hiring it out one evening…though we may do a few trial supper clubs at his first…will let you know how we get on if we ever get our act together and do it! 😉 xxx PS What is retweeting something?
Booked 3 tickets – looking forward to it!
Booked 3 tickets – looking forward to it! K
Sorry I won't be able to make it. It's the students birthday in Edinburgh that weekend
Shame, would have been nice to meet you again after so long
I really hope there are more to come as I cant make it this weekend! *sad face*
Shame we're away for this. Is this an annual event, or have you got a spring one coming up? Do you have a mailing list? Looks like a great bunch of stalls and participants.
Agonisingly far away. So many amazing things going on here.