France has finally found its own Lady Di…wouldn’t it be poetic justice if Carla died in a tunnel in London? Perhaps the underpass from Park Lane to Knightsbridge would be appropriate? Maybe after a bit of shopping at Harrods and a couple of Kir Royales?
What an ambitious driven woman! Sun in the first degree of upwardly mobile Capricorn in the sixth house of work (but conjunct outspoken Mercury in Sag). Moon conjunct Pluto in Virgo. She will work it. She won’t slack. Venus conjunct Neptune in Scorpio (a dreamy lover, people project their fantasies onto her) in the 5th house of lovers square Mars in Aquarius in the 8th. She can do kinky too. Cancer rising…appeals to the people. She can do the image, dress the part…just like Madonna, another steely Virgoan (purse lipped underneath her exhibitionist Leo Sun).
Carla’s chart full of tension, red lines, squares. She doesn’t take it easy. An achiever. (People wish they had an ‘easy’ chart full of grand trines, but this is so often seen in the charts of lazy under-achieving people).
Love the fact that she is richer than him. Check out Carla on Google images…her modelling work was sometimes a little…ahem…top shelf?
Thanks be to Nicholas Sarkozy for entertaining his people and the world. We are all enjoying it. Sooo much better than helmet haired Bernadette Chirac with her noble catholicism and her causes.
Nicolas Sarkozy has got a great taste in women. Carla Bruni is 'perfect': beautiful, successful in her careers, lucky, popular and a billionairess and she is talented too.
Yes she really won the lottery of life didn't she?
Thanks for your comment Claire.
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