My teenager has been educated in the French system most of her life. Now she is in the British section of her French school. Things are very different. At the end of each class the teachers says stuff like “Well done. You all did very well today”to a bemused class. This is unheard of in the French system for they do not believe in encouraging pupils with positive praise.
e.g. Rate of reaction in Chemistry, the pupils will do a practical experiment and then use that to account for the results. Nor is the explanation set in stone.
In History and Geography, the British teach in terms of topics, for instance: coastal management. The French, on the other hand, spend several weeks on a particular part of the world, covering all aspects of it’s geography and history.(Personally I prefer this, it becomes more of a story and easier to remember).
Another big difference: in the French system there is no pastoral care. The teachers consider that they are there to teach a subject academically and that’s it. Teachers are civil servants. They are not there to deal with or even recognize that a pupil might have personal problems or difficult circumstances at home.
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