Browsing some food blogs this morning I feel, um I can only describe it as, seethingly jealous. Why? These bloggers seem to be irritatingly rich, able to dine at fine restaurants every week.
One of the main reasons I want a boyfriend/husband/partner/solvent shag is so that they can take me to good restaurants. I can’t afford them myself, being a basically broke single mum.
Like buying sexy underwear it would practically be a present to themselves, taking me to good restaurants, because I would go straight home and try to recreate what we had eaten.
So…any offers?
Mind you I’ve gone up about 3 sizes during Christmas, to the point that my tights will no longer stay up, rolling inexorably downwards over my bulging tummy throughout the day ending up somewhere around my crotch. So, if you don’t mind me yanking my tights up throughout the meal, I’m game.
Otherwise let’s face it, I’m never going to be able to eat at El Bulli, The Fat Duck, Claridges, Nobu and the rest. A deprived palate…maybe I should start a tonguesinneed appeal.
Get a job in the media! But then you’d get to go to nice restaurants and then have to spend the meal talking work. Ah, to be rich.
aah mon cheri
your tights
bunched up around ankles
the best food warming
the center of your being
delicious afterglow
of a meal well enjoyed
wile tantalizing thoughts
of love’s playful game
dance joyfully through our minds
our bodies blissfully entwined
I think you’ve pulled….
Lizzie, alas I am over 40 and therefore clearly too decrepit to get a job in the media. But happy to chat about anything in order to get a decent dinner.
Anonymous: this could be called ‘Ode to Nora Batty’ who recently died. A lovely freeform poem, fair warms the cockles…
Ha! The irony of life, I booked Nobu for my wifes birthday and she found out and asked me to cancel as she did not like Japanese! I am sending a zap of good vibes so that you do get to go to the fabbest place to eat this year SEVERAL TIMES! Join my cosmic ordering group as it does work and my life is living proof. 40’s are the best time in life, I’m having a blast and you will too or I will eat my crystal ball!
M x
Michele and there was me assuming you were a girl! Are you French then?
Can I be your wife for the day? (This would have to include a trip to Nobu of course).
Whoops blushes, you are a girl.
Can I still be your wife for a day?
I’ll take you out for dinner!
ah Ms Canal X, you are so sweet.
I haven't ventured to many high end restaurants. In my time in London, working in publishing, the salaries never afforded anything extravagant. I am working on it though, as I really want to experience these places.
I do think that London offers the most wonderful cheap & cheerfuls though, and I love these dearly. This is where you swill find me quaffing reasonable wine and chomping down rustic dishes.
As for El Bulli, well, one can only hope!