Now Spring is approaching, I will start planting up the garden with tomatoes, broad beans, potatoes, garlic, rocket, nasturtiums, edible flowers, herbs and other vegetables I can use at the Underground Restaurant. If any keen gardeners can help me, I offer free dinner.
My garden, south-west facing, 80 feet in length, already has an overhanging pear tree, plenty of mint, edible mushrooms growing under an apple tree and, in the summer, bulges with wild strawberries ‘fraises du bois’ as they call them in France, where they cost a fortune. These tiny woodland berrys are intense with flavour, so different from the watery plump and tasteless strawberries we buy in the supermarket.
Oh, I’m definitely keen to do some gardening with you!
I am looking at what I can do with my tiny little (North facing) balcony. I’m thinking I could get a box to hang off the outside of the rail to maximise the light, and fill it with herbs and aromatic flowers. Maybe even some bits of veg.
I’ve started growing wheatgrass as it loves the shade, and I’ve got hooked on shots of it (tastes awful but makes me feel amazing). Luckily I made sure to choose a juicer that would enable this.
You are on. What day?