A full house and then, why did I do it? I let TV people in. All too much with simultaneously trying to cook dinner for 29 people. The intended “half hour and we’ll be out of your hair” and a “quick chat” ended up as a Paxman-style grilling from investigative reporter Johnny Maitland
“Do you think it’s just a novelty?” he hammered the guests “Is this a response to the credit crunch?”
“Do you cook?” I ask.
“Never. My boyfriend would be shocked if he saw me doing this” she replied.
“The food was very interesting” said one of them “a Londoner’s view of Thai food. You could tell all the ingredients were very fresh, nothing shop-bought.”
Her friend chipped in
“I really like the dumplings. Biting into them and getting butternut squash was such a surprise”
At the same table was a man who used to work with Keith Flint’s dad. This information emerged because I mentioned that the previous night I had been to see Prodigy at Wembley Arena. Horrible venue but the band were great. Keith Flint may not be the ‘talented’ one but he has charisma in spades. You can’t take your eyes off him. Keith Flint’s dad owned a vineyard. So the firestarter is a nice middle-class boy after all.
Still Exhausted! –
“to what extect is this a novelty?”
cheers for the big up!
Oooh! Those dumplings look great. Once you get the hang of folding them it opens up a world of combinations. Sounds like a great night!
I really enjoyed it!
Yes Charlie, when I first met Johnny at Rosie’s pop up dinner, I told him all about this and he said:
“Oh it’s a MUP”
“What’s a MUP?”
“A Made Up Phenomenon”
“But they’ve been doing it in Cuba for decades..”
As my sister said, so what if it is a novelty. Novelties are fun because they are ….novel…
But thanks ever so much for stepping into the breach while I got my 15 minutes of anonymous fame!
Lizzie yeah…could be like crisp flavours…what new and strange stuff could we put in them?
“do you think it’s just a novelty?” Terrible question – I hope you said NO – it’s a movement! x