On May 3rd at 4pm Lavender Bakery, purveyor of exquisite cakes, and MsMarmitelover are holding an Underground tea. The theme will be Victoriana. It would be lovely if guests wore say a hat, or gloves, or brought a fan or if they felt like it, wore full-on Victorian gear!
If the weather is nice it will be held in garden.
Tomorrow Lavender Bakery and myself will have a joint baking session using the Aga.
Notes on the menu:
A glass of kir cava.
A variety of sandwiches
Home baked scones, jam and cream
A variety of savoury tartlets…blue cheese, sun-dried tomato
Tea or coffee
One lady is making a commemorative tea cosy
Feel free to bring your craft item, knitting, crochet etc, that you are working on.
Lavender Bakery’s facebook group (link)
Book at wegottickets.com (link in sidebar).
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