“It’ll end up covered in pastry anyway” said my mum “you can put it together again”.
“Just imagine” my mum comforted me” there are thousands of people all over the country who have got back from the pub having had a few drinks and forget to take the turkey out of the freezer. Christmas morning, they remember, and spend hours trying to defrost it in the bath, with hair driers, anything they can think of…”
Mum explained: “They put the gas pressure up on Christmas day. Imagine they normally have, say, a million dinners being cooked on an average day. On Christmas Day, everyone is going to be using their ovens, they will have several million dinners cooking…so they increase the pressure”
“Never mind” said mum ” you can cover it with cream, no one will know”.
“I think we need to leave it to dry out for a while”
But first we had to get the leaky fish off the kitchen surface onto a baking tray. This is impossible to do on a normal tray without the fish breaking up. I had an idea. The Aga comes with a cool shelf, a flat tin shelf that can be used to regulate the temperature, to prevent things burning on top.
“Lets use the cool shelf” I said “maybe we can slide it underneath the fish.”
Various solutions were offered…cover the shelf with tin foil…no let’s grease it… shall five of us put a spatula underneath and lift it on?…no… Finally my dad took over…let’s just flip it over onto the shelf which is wedged underneath the edge of the salmon.
It’s more or less there. A bit of repacking needed. Quite a bit more kitchen towel to soak up the juices. The puff pastry is soggy and not enough to seal the enormous fish. Dad and the Teen go off in the car, cruising down the Kilburn High Rd, looking for more puff pastry in the ethnic shops which remain open on Christmas Day. The Teen returned with three packets of filo pastry.
“That’s not puff” I said
She looked crest fallen. Dad and the Teen set off again. Finally they bring three packs of frozen puff pastry. I put the packs on the Aga to defrost.
- 40 g buckwheat flour, I didn't have buckwheat so I used Rye flour instead
- 125 g strong white plain flour
- 3/4 tsp salt
- 7 g easy-blend dried yeast
- 150 ml crème fraîche
- 175 ml whole milk
- 2 medium eggs, separated
- 25 g butter plus more for greasing
- Mix first four ingredients together.
- Slightly warm the creme fraiche and milk, but not so hot that it will kill the yeast.
- Mix this in with the rest.
- Add the eggs.
- Mix well and leave for at least an hour to rise, covered with a damp tea towel.
- Then cook in rings, using a packet made from tin foil to keep them warm until all of them are cooked.
Spaghetti Vongole
- 500 g good quality linguine
- 2 tbsp or more of sea salt for the boiling water
- 60 ml olive oil for frying, more for dressing
- handful shallots, chopped finely
- a bulb of garlic, chopped
- handful parsley, chopped
- glass or two of white wine
- 500 g small clams, fresh, cleaned in running water
- Boil De Cecco linguine (for a couple of minutes less than it says on the packet)
- Strain it, dousing the pasta with olive oil to make sure it doesn't stick.
- Fry the shallots in the olive oil until soft. Add the garlic, parsley and white wine.
- Drop the clams into the mix.
- The shells should steam open, if they don't open, discard them.
- Mix the linguine and clams together, plating up into a bowl, a small portion each.
- Two Spaniards who booked last minute for they weren’t sure about transport from Spain. Actually they weren’t Spanish, but lived in Barcelona, one was Italian and the other Taiwanese.
- A friend of a friend who is allergic to Wifi to the point that she’s had her bedroom lined with tin foil (she was then named Tin Hat as shorthand) and her parents. I had to turn off the Wifi for the day.
- A gorgeous blonde Estonian lesbian or ‘Esto Lesbo’ as my sister called her, who lives nearby. My dad got merry and started to flirt with her, futiley. My sister claimed that she had her hand on my sister’s knee through out the meal and that she reckoned she’d pulled! In fact my whole family seemed to be competing with each other about who Esto Lesbo fancied more…even my Teen announced she was in with a chance…
- A lovely lady who had booked off wegottickets who I never really got a chance to chat to.
- My family which included The Teen, my parents and my sister.
- Just as the main course was about to be served, Fat Les of Bellaphon fame turned up, having walked for an hour from Marble Arch. Generous as ever, he’d bought two bottles of very good wine.
“the gruesome twosome”. (Bastard. Just because my sister and I are funny, extrovert and not thin and bland)
My dad said “I’ve heard their brother call them worse…”
I tried to joke: “Well as you are all away from your dysfunctional families for the day, it must be nice to join mine”.
“People want Christmas pudding. The foreigners want to try it”.
I had to do something v similar with a vast salmon the week before Christmas (it arrived a day early and I had to keep it on the balcony, as there was no room in the fridge)- I bent it into an utterly bizarre shape to cook, but once it was skinned and dressed, you'd not have known (I don't think it was as pretty as yours though)…
It weighed about 4kg and purported to feed 10 – I think I could have fed double that.
Will know next time…
And re aga – at my parents house, we still frequently (after 25 years of ownership) find unidentifiable black lumps in the bottom oven that were presumably bread rolls/croissants etc put there to warm up for breakfast some previous day.
I love it though. I moved out quite a few years ago and I STILL can't bake properly without it.
I wouldn't even know HOW to make a Christmas cake without the aga.
Your Christmas Dinner sounds like it was great – maybe I'll ditch the family and come round next year 😉
I was wondering whether to keep it outside but we have foxes…
A Chrimbo supperclub is awesome!! Can I come next year?? The lack Of turkey is a massive bonus too!! Are you doing one on the 8th Jan?? Happy New Year!! X
hope to see you both next year…yes I'm doing the 8th of January as Elvis night!
Nessie looks wonderful and I'm glad it all turned out alright in the end. Your mum sounds marvellous and it sounds like she was a great help. Hope you managed to put your feet up at the end and feel Christmassy.
What a fabulous Christmas Day – well certainly for your guests anyway! Sounds delicious and fun. You are quite a star providing a traditional Christmas experience – family rows and all – to those who would otherwise miss out.
Do you ever do a specifically veggie supper club?
Hi Natalie, most of my dinners are completely veggie but sometimes I include fish…
wow, you have a lovely home and you sure can cook. i am SO having christmas dinner with you next year!
The salmon looks absolutely fantastic and it appears that disaster was averted! Merry Christmas.
That salmon – wow! You are a culinary superwoman!
My Mum has an Aga. Once she lost a pan, was searching for it for days. She found it eventually at the back of the simmering oven, with what used to be rice pudding melded to the insides. She had to throw the pan away, and we were all dissappointed that we'd unknowingly missed a chance for her rice pudding!!
Feel exhausted reading about it all but looks and sounds amazing. I too had to wrestle a 5.5kg salmon that was ordered as a 3kg. Big shock. Big fish xx
Sounds like a lovely alternative Xmas. The salmon in particular looks great.
Hope you had a good one and all the best for 2010.
Happy New Year, Mrs. Marmite. This post is simply wonderful, the fish looks mega-delicious.
Well, well done for all the effort – sounds like it was quite a challenge with that fish but the photos say it was most excellent! I like the sound of the clam linguine too! Your mum sounds like a wise cookie too – your descriptions of you both sound very reminiscent of me when I'm cooking and floundering at her house and she steps in with some wise advice! I hope you had fun and felt it was a success? A happy belated Christmas and New Year xxx
Lyn and gourmet chick: thank you
Jumbleberry Orchard: haha that's a classic Aga story
Rockmother: do they deliberately deliver larger fish than you expect at Christmas? Never mind it was spectacular
Niamh: thank you and happy New Year. Well done particularly with the Blaggers Banquet…a tour de force! What is it with the Irish and their talent for raising money for charity? You are a veritable 'Roberta Geldof'of the food world!!!
Thora and Curious: thanks and happy new year to you both…
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hahaha that salmon!!!!!so funny~~~~ your food pictures are now very popular in China because we think it's very funny. lol….. this is your food album's link created by a Chinese blogger.http://www.douban.com/photos/album/68808647/?start=18 you can ask someone to translate the comments in the album for you. it's real fun!
Dear Chinese commenter,
I've noticed I've been getting alot of hits from China! Glad you guys are enjoying the blog and the funny food pix!