Even though the event was oversubscribed in terms of girls, one of the three men that made it asked if a female friend could come “she was dumped two weeks before Valentine’s and is feeling a bit down”.
At the end of this mammoth crèpe making session, the heat had gone out of the top of the Aga therefore the best solution was to fold the savoury crepes with garlic mushrooms and cheese into an oven dish and bake them. The alcoholic batter gave the pancakes a pleasingly boozy sour and tangy flavour.
My old recipe for galettes au sarrasin, hence in ounces.
Found this on the balcony. The other week I found some salmon wrapped in paper too. I started to think it was guests that didn’t like their food but for some reason were too scared to leave it on the plate! But I didn’t serve green beans. I looked more closely, it was wrapped in a piece of paper with child’s handwriting on it, with a list of presents he didn’t want for his birthday…transformers, wolverine etc. Then I realised it was the little boy upstairs throwing his dinner out of the window again. He did this a couple of years ago when I found an entire plate of spaghetti on my balcony. I remember hiding my dinner in pot plants when I didn’t like it.
I'm definitely going to follow suit, we have 14 people staying with us for the weekend and I think a little Crepe party for sunday Brunch will be a great idea. Luckily I'll be cooking on gas with our trusty 6 burner range!
a beautiful menu. x shayma
The menu sounds great – I definitely ate too many nutella pancakes last night (with banana so I could pretend they were a bit healthy).
Incidentally buckwheat flour is gluten-free, so that might explain why the batter was less elastic.
six burner range…wow…easy then
thanks Shayma and thanks for commenting!
TC: good point…didnt think of that!
The Curious Cat
Sounds like another delicious evening – I like the sound of that pancake lasagna! Sounds delicious! xxx
So you've got the salmon and french beans – is there a sauce on the way, maybe potatoes too?
Re the low gluten buckwheat – you can add xanthan gum which you can buy from healthfood shops. I keep some for gluten free baking – invaluable. Replaces some of the gluten effect.
Great tip James. Always wondered what to do with Xanthan gum.
CC: yes it was great..
I love how that kid has been throwing food out of the window for two years – two years!!
Actually thinking back, it was his brother that threw the spaghetti out, maybe 3/4 years ago.
The last time his mum made his brother write a really sweet letter apologising and saying he'd clear it up. Not sure whether to let his mum know the younger brother is doing it now.
kate the bake
That sounds like a great evening regardless of the lack of men! buckwheat is also called sarrasin or serasin, so the name derives from the alternative name for the flour. buckwheat was introduced to europe via the middle east, so that might explain the use of saracen as a name.
As others have mentioned buckwheat is gluten free so you can beat it to your heart's content. I have never needed to put xanthan gum in buckwheat pancakes, I find that beaten eggs hold the batter together.
Mrs P
Sounds like a logistical nightmare! (although am vay jealous of your trusty crepe pan).
Those cheeses sound fa, too
Scarlett the Heavenly Healer
Oh how funny! A gift of unwanted food from your upstairs child neighbour. Heehee!!
I love the idea of a pancake only menu – and the "crepe lasange" sounds good. A friend of mine was talking about a "pancake cake" that they had the other day: 15 raspberry pancakes sandwiched with rapsberries and mascarpone, all covered in more mascarpone – could be one for next year's event?
Sounds yummy lizzie!
Katethebake: of course! did not think of that…the non gluten aspect of the flour
Mrs P: yes well worth buying a proper crepiere when you visit France.Too heavy to toss pancakes but delivers a flat thin crepe
Accommodation Cotswolds
wow, you have originality..so yummy, something NEW to put on the table..