this type of thing doesn't happen in the provinces where I reside, I mean I understood the underground to be a form of public transport, not a brand. utter berks.
to riff on the comment above, I heard that they were planning on suing the makers of 'Allo 'Allo for diluting there iconic brand through associating it with the French underground resistance movement
What's next? You can't market tomato purée in a "tube"?
Warn all moles of future trouble!!
they should jolly well grow up!
How marvellous to see that you are 'outraged' !!!
Let's get a petition going. Raise hell!
this is pathetic, in it? but hey all PR is all good PR, non?
I heard they were also planning legal action against The Jam, and some Chilean miners.
this type of thing doesn't happen in the provinces where I reside, I mean I understood the underground to be a form of public transport, not a brand. utter berks.
to riff on the comment above, I heard that they were planning on suing the makers of 'Allo 'Allo for diluting there iconic brand through associating it with the French underground resistance movement