I was on The One Show last night, being interviewed by Jay Rayner in time for my book’s publication tomorrow. The footage seemed to convert gardener Monty Don. He’s more than welcome to come down and overhaul my 80 foot garden. I used to be a gardening fanatic but The Underground Restaurant has left me time short. Jay Rayner also interviewed legendary chef Pierre Koffman who is opening a supper club at his Knightsbridge restaurant.
Lenny serving customers, Alissia in the background.
That Jay Rayner is round my house!
“Yes, conventional restaurants have stolen our clothes, but it’s a compliment…”
My hairpiece is so big it practically obscures Jay’s head…
“If Pierre Koffman wants to do swapsies, a meal at his Michelin star restaurant for one here, I’m game”
Gardener Monty Don was converted to the home restaurant cause!
Here is the link: watch it from 9 minutes onwards but it only last six days. Apparently there is a way of keeping the footage, and if anyone knows it please write in!
I saw it last night – your place looked as though it was truly rocking. Good luck with the book.
I missed it! Arrrgghhh! I'll try and download it and watch it tonight. Grovel, grovel.
If people in Yorkshire are interested in visiting a supperclub or pop up tearoom, I've reviewed two. You can read about them here: http://aspinallinkjournalismanddesign.wordpress.com
Good luck with the book!
Saw it – it all looked brilliant, well done. Be interesting to see if you get a dining date swap with Pierre Koffman!
Have just watched One Show on iPlayer. It all came across really well.
I think Pierre should swap locations with you and let you play in his kitchen and restaurant for the night!
Love it! Really good to see! Just wondering though – I hope you make some profit with all this effort? I was trying to work out the maths and was wondering if you did…hope so!! Onwards and upwards anyway!!! xxx
Missed it but will watch on the i player. Good luck with the book.
I watched it, great stuff. Jay and Monty are welcome at the Secret Tea Room any time.
"It's buzzing round at Ms Marmite's house!" Loved my virtual visit to your kitchen – good luck with the book.
Yay! This is fabulous, and about time you got the recognition you deserve, particularly with so many others jumping on the bandwagon.
Supperclub in a Michelin restaurant? They just plain missed the point!
Get Monty round with a team of hefty lads to do the heavy work and dig out your vegetable bed and we can get growing!