Secret Garden Club: April 15th: Med Veg: all those lovely nightshade veggies that are so hard to grow in the UK: aubergines and peppers! Then a delicious mediterranean vegetable meal: ratatouille, melanzana parmigiana, baba ganoush and pepperonata? What will I come up with? Book here: £45
April 24th: Postcards from the edge: the Natural Wine revolution. This is a meal inspired by the postcard exhibition at Large Glass gallery in North London where the meal will be held. I will have returned from Georgia where I will have visited Natural Wine growers. Smell and taste evoke memories and postcards, the popularity of which has declined in the digital age, are a souvenir of a journey as well as a nostalgic look back to an older age. (I remember when travelling, going to Post Restante to collect mail from home. I can remember the excitement of finding a bulging letter, in the dedicated section to the initial of your surname, in a Nepalese post office. It seemed magical, how these letters arrived, marked merely with ‘Post Restante, Kathmandu, Nepal’. )
The wine is curated by Natural Wine expert Isabelle Legeron “That crazy French woman” in anticipation of the RAW natural wine fair in London. We will also try unusual natural wines such as ‘orange’ wine along with the usual sparkling, red and white.
Tickets £50 including Natural Wine degustation with each course. Book here.
Saturday 5th of May: On a Stick! All food on a stick: reminiscent of barbeques and fun fairs, food is always more fun when on a stick. We will be exploring sticks, skewers, hattelets (a favourite cooking style of Careme) in this meal: book here: £40 This may take place in the garden, if the weather is good.
Saturday 12th of May: Jersey Royals supper club. Get the new crop, slathered in butter. Fresh from my visit to Jersey to see the growers, I’m going to experiment with these gorgeous nutty potatoes. £25
24th May: Talk at the Victoria and Albert museum: Social Media and the anti-restaurant. Details and link soon.
Secret Garden Club: 27th May: The three sisters, Cherokee companion planting. Take away a squash plant, sweet corn plant, climbing bean trio. Plus other companion planting tricks to keep insects at bay and make your plants happy.
£45 workshop and tea, will include cornbread
8th of June: Sainsburys lunch club. Available only to readers of Sainsburys Magazine.
22nd June: BritMums Live! A two day conference. Keynote speaker: Sarah Brown plus Alison Pearson, Ruby Wax, Camila Batmanghelidjh, Maison Cupcake and me! Tickets here.
Class, elderflower cocktail, food and bouquet:£45
Thank you for the Britmums mention! I feel honoured to be highlighted next to those other people! I suspect I am tucked away in a side room for a breakout session rather than being a headline act!
I hope I can see your talk….what will it be about?