Reader Interactions


  1. Catherine

    This looks tasty. I went to a Swiss/French boarding school and we used to get artichokes for our lunch! It was the first time I had eaten them. Would the Chipotle Tabasco sauce be ok to use?

    • Kerstin Rodgers

      I was trying to remember the first time I had an artichoke. I think I was about 8 and we were on holiday in France. I loved them straight away. Chipotle tabasco would be fine, I like it too.

    • Kerstin Rodgers

      It is a bit isn't it? Felicity Cloake had a recipe for nachos in her Guardian column recently, my daughter seems to live on them. But if you combine nachos with guacamole and salsa, you have pretty much all the food groups.
      I love artichokes. I can eat them by the jar.


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