Yesterday I went to see the Korean film ‘I’m a cyborg but that’s ok’ at the ICA. By the same director, Chan-wook Park, that directed ‘Old Boy’. A young woman believes she is a cyborg and is admitted to a mental hospital where she develops a relationship with a young man who can steal souls. The film is aesthetically pleasing, with subtle pastel colours, but has little plot. It’s as if someone is transcribing a dream to film. The time line is confusing to Western minds, with flashbacks and forwards unclearly delineated. But some Asian languages do not have tenses for their verbs and I mused upon whether this is a factor that influences Asian film editing, in that it is not linear.
“I need to talk to you” I said.
We sat down. I was struck by how he had aged and his Guantanamo Bay orange pyjamas, apparently a memento from a local mental ward.
“You hurt me. Your remark about me and my child really hurt me. I’ve not come here to fight or criticize or judge, I just want to discuss this with you”.
“No J you did say that, and you hurt me. I’d like you to apologize. I don’t believe that you really wanted to have sex with my daughter (that big scarey word paedophile) but you need to be aware that your consciously outrageous behaviour and your lack of boundaries can hurt other people”.
wow a bit like my dad this J,
though my dad's no pedophile.
Pisces is he?
Yes he was…multiple Pisces. Before all of this happened I told him to be very careful, I was quite worried about him, I could see Uranus transiting all of his stuff in Pisces and opposing stuff in Virgo.
True to form, he went mad afterwards and was sectioned.