Cooking in bulk for festivals, you need a lot of garlic.
Peel at least 20 bulbs…smash the top with the bottom of a mug and the cloves will fan out and some of the papery skin will come off.
Sling it in the robochef or similar.
Divide in half. Put half into a glass jar and cover with olive oil.
Put a large bunch of parsley into what is left in the robochef. Whizz it about. You now have persillade. Again put it into a glass jar and cover with olive oil.
Use at will. In everything. Or spread on bread and bake to make garlic bread.
This is a great way of preserving garlic/herb mixtures.
I also made pesto. Whizz up basil leaves, pinch of salt, pine nuts, olive oil, some of the garlic paste, parmesan or pecorino cheese (don’t add salt if it’s pecorino). Variations include walnuts, cashew nuts…anchovies…
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