Along with Julian Cope and Andrew Collins, writing about the esoteric seems to be a popular career move for ex-pop stars. Gary Lachman, then known as Gary Valentine, used to be a guitarist with Blondie and Iggy Pop.
“we had Annie Besant, and the Fabian Society. After the Russian Revolution there were also Steiner groups. The English socialist Edward Carpenter, in the 1920’s, was the pioneer of what became known in the 60’s as ‘dropping out’ and also popularised sandals. Carpenter was a proponent of gay rights and a big influence on Ouspensky.”
An audience member quipped: “before Himmler got Hugo Boss involved…”
“You mean the yippies, Jerry Rubin, ‘Just do it’? Did you know that during the 1967 anti-war march, they tried to levitate the Pentagon?”
“I buy cheap paperbacks at chain stores, only available because of modern mass production”.
“with the departure of Bush, we now have Palin. It is occult belief the idea that angels will descend…the whole American cult about the apocalypse ‘The Rapture’ and The Order of Archangel Michael (which originally came from Roumania in the 1920’s).”
“The extremes of Left and Right meet and hate the modern world. The elite school of intellectuals such as Adorno on the Left called the gnostic world the ‘nadir of sterility’.Scientific meaning is always pitted against religious meaning and neither work.”
“you are on your own, there’s nobody out there, as Nietzche (who has been variously adopted by the Left as well as the Right) describes, it is troubling to us. “
“the powers that be were not too happy with ‘Mrs Satan’ as she was known.”
I'd have been interested to go to that one, but I might have also been effected by the speaker's arcane language. I too have not heard of most of the people he mentioned. And his characterization of the left and right is very simplistic. There are elements of materialist modernism and esoteric paganism within all kinds of people who uphold the left and right wing political stance. The two ideas are not proportional nor inversely proportional.
Well it just emphasized to me that I need to read more, spend less time on the internet…probably.
When I was about to do my masters at the Sorbonne, I proposed to my tutor, the author, professor and video artist Anne-Marie Duguet,(link: that I do something on the twin rise of occult alternative belief and technology. She refused the subject. She said it was everything she was against. She wouldn't even entertain the idea of exploring the subject. In fact she was quite angry about it.
I had difficulty in finding any academic willing to take it on.
Then, of course, I split up with my child's father and had to drop my masters and return to England.
So I found Gary Lachman's talk and now his book very interesting.
Duguet, like most academics, is left wing, modernist.
She is an expert and art historian of digital art I should say (things have moved on a little since video in the 90's)
Apropos the above, I imagine you've already read it, but if not, you must read 'TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information' by Erik Davis (Serpent's Tail, 2004).
Thanks anonymous,
Welcome to my blawg.
No I didn't know about that book, I'll check it out. Is it easy to read?