I love wooden sheds. I like the idea of being inside just a 2-by-4’s breadth away from nature, the smell of wood and the dolls house/Swiss chalet feel. So you can imagine how excited I was, after putting guests in my shed on an over-booked night, to hear that somebody was opening a supper club in their shed.

Preheat oven to 160 degrees or gas mark 6
Toss the pumpkin in 2 tbsp of olive oil, a little salt and roast on a tray in the oven for 1hr, turning occasionally.
20 minutes before the pumpkin is ready, very gently fry the onion in the remaining 4 tbsp oil for 15 minutes until soft and golden-brown in colour. Add the garlic, cinnamon, and chilli and fry for a further minute.
Add the potato and fry for a further 5 minutes, taking care not to burn the garlic. Add the pumpkin and the vegetable stock, and simmer for 20 minutes, until the potato is cooked.
In the meantime, prepare the garnishes;
In your smallest pan, melt the butter until it foams, and add the cinnamon and pine nuts and fry until the nuts are golden brown. Remove from pan and keep in a warm bowl so as not to burn them.
Mix together the yoghurt, milk, and garlic and salt.
Blend the soup, return to the pan, add the coriander and season to taste.
I love the idea of dining in a shed. Menu looks fantastic, especially after pudding.
I believe my ex divorced me for being intrusive with my snoring when she was reading the recipe for poulet en vessie!
'Man that girl can cook!'…Go Nicola go! Can't wait to now, great descriptions on the courses, thanks MML.
Hi yo!
very exciting and quirky. already booked an will be there next week. yay
Oh dear – how do you step on a chicken?! sounds like a lovely set up though! Ah wish I worked at a Fine Food company! xxx
aww thoroughly chuffed!! And very pleased you had a nice time.
A reader of my blog, made me aware of underground restaurants in London, and it sure grabbed my attention and as a result I somehow ended up here.
You have an interesting selection of food and if it tastes as good as the pictures look, it will be delicious…..
Hi William,
I run The Underground Restaurant in Kilburn, one of the UK's first supperclubs. I also review other underground restaurants, like The Shed.
If you want to know about my food and restaurant go to earlier posts. I'm taking a little break now and will open again in September. You can book at wegottickets.com
looks brilliant. will be booking soon!