This conference is suitable also for anybody wanting to set up a small food business as well as potential supper club hosts.
‘Delegates’ will be given a ‘business breakfast’ on arrival at 10 am.
Lunch will be served at 1pm.
All food, drinks and talks are included and there will be a goodie bag to take home at around 6pm.
The last conference on How to write a successful food blog was incredibly inspiring. I’m sure this one will be equally exciting and informative.
Still some tickets left…if you are serious about starting a supper club, do come along as I don’t know when and if there will be another conference at the Underground University on this subject. Book here. (Price £100).
that has to be the loveliest pic of you I've seen so far – simply gorgeous! I wish I could get down for the conference – it sounds like you've got everything covered. Maybe you could do one down in Dorset one day…… Hope it all goes well. x